Category: MUS 110

Basic Theory

Homework Assignment due 9/15

  • Listen to the following two podcasts (attached above):
    • Writing out protonotation and converting it into musical notation
    • Note durations and rests
  • UPDATE: Watch my quick video (last video embed below, or go to for more about transcribing the songs in protonotation.
  • Use the worksheet and transcribe the following two songs in protonation and musical notation (songs are available on the CD that accompanies the textbook, or via the embedded SoundCloud player below):
    • Gallows Pole
    • Ah Poor Bird
  • Here’s an example of the first four beats of Gallows Pole:
  • Watch this video on conducting patterns, and be able to conduct the duple meter pattern (p. 13) and say the words to the two songs in time
  • Prepare for a quiz at the beginning of class next week.  You will hear one line of a nursery rhyme.  Be ready to 1) memorize it and sing it back, and 2) transcribe this line using protonotation and musical notation. Prepare for the quiz by transcribing other familiar nursery rhymes.